This is perhaps the greatest, most significant question of all. Here we present three pieces of evidence which give us reason to believe that God really does exist.
The Evidence of Creation
Human logic tells us that there can be no painting without a painter and no building without a builder. It would be ludicrous to suggest that a beautiful Ferrari or BMW were the result of an unexplained explosion in an empty garage. It is obvious that they have been intelligently designed and carefully constructed.
To believe that the precisely ordered universe, and the breathtakingly beautiful planet we live on was the result of a ‘big bang’, is surely equally illogical. Firstly, what caused the bang? Secondly, don't explosions always produce chaos and destruction, rather than order and beauty?
The Bible provides a more credible explanation. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen 1:1)
God’s fingerprints are found all over His marvellous creation. The Bible states that “The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies show off His handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1)
If we are willing to open our eyes and our minds and look around us, we will see that beyond creation itself lies a mighty, majestic Creator who brought it all into being.
The Evidence of Conscience
In contrast to the popular, yet scientifically unproven theory of evolution, the Bible explains that we are distinct from the rest of the animal kingdom. We were created in the likeness of God Himself. “God created man in His own image.” (Gen 1:27)
As such, each one of us has received a God given moral compass called a conscience. The Bible explains that God has written His moral standard upon every human heart.
Our God given conscience convicts us of our wrong-doings and brings a sense of guilt to our hearts, even when no-one else is aware of what we’ve done. Our conscience gives us an awareness deep down that there is a Higher Power who we are accountable to for how we live our lives.
The Evidence of Christ
Jesus Christ is different to the leaders of all the major religions of the world in that He claimed to be the Son of God. He backed up these claims by doing things that only God could do and ultimately by rising from the dead.
The Bible tells us that He came down from Heaven to reveal the character of God to the people of earth. When we look at Jesus all the guessing games stop as far as God is concerned.
Jesus demonstrated God’s holiness in the perfect life He lived. He showed God’s power in the miracles He performed. He expressed God’s wisdom in the teaching He gave. Finally, He proved God’s love by voluntarily dying on the cross to provide a way through which we can obtain a home in Heaven.
Open your eyes and examine the evidence. Look around at creation, look within your conscience and look back in history to Christ and you will find good reason to believe that there is an almighty, loving God out there.